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Supplies needed:

I use PSP 7 but this tutorial can be done in other versions of PSP.

Filters: Filters Unlimited 2.0

1 Scrapkit "Easter" by Lacarolita's Designz thay you can get ici

A template by Vivi's Designs which you will find in the zip

5 tubes of your choice, but by the same artist.

I am using tubes which are ©Elias Chatzoudis - www.
You need a license for this tube. You can buy the tube ICI

1 Police of your choice, I have used "Luna Bar"

Here's the material for you to download  


Tube of your choice. Whether free or not, the credit must be given to the artist and NOT the tuber and should be placed on your tag like this:

©Elias Chatzoudis - www.
MPT4096     Vivi tagger me

If you make an IM letter or other stationery, you must give credit for the tubes & licence but also do credit the tut writer and scrapkit maker in the footer.

Do not direct link to the tutorial THANKS!




Let's start!

1. Open your template template # 30 "delete layer" Vivi's Desing "and close the layers except the background layer and WSL_Mask144.Put yourself on the background layer and make images-> size medium and make it 800x800.

If I make you do that is fair to have space to work.

2. Go to Layer "WSL_Mask144" and he put a color or gradient color as me.To put your gradient in a foreground color you have chosen and the background to the same but much clearer. Then do like this:

Take the Tool-> and save these configurations:

Take your rubber on the mask layer and duplicate this 1 time, be-> Layer-> Duplicate-> Image-> back and put as I see my tag above.
Apply Filter "Filters Unlimited 2.0" do-> Effects-> Filters Unlimited 2.0 with the following configurations:

VO 74
 HF 4,9
Couleur: #000000

3. Open Layers "font1 & frame1" and apply a color gradient, like you did for the mask on the layer "Frame1.Add-> Selection-> Select-> Selection-> Float-> Selection-> put in a static state and invert.
Do not deselect.Open your tube that you choose and pick one, resize it if necessary.
Me I owed them resized to 80% except the middle one.Copy and paste your first tube as new layer and place the well on frame1 and to delete with the Delete key on your keyboard and deselect.Stay on your tube and make-> Effects-> Texture Effects and Store with the following configuration:Width: 2.
Color: White. Opacity: 20.check the horizontal breaks & light from OK. Set the opacity of your layer to 78% -> cover.Do the same for the other 4 frames except the middle one to the opacity tubes to 78% and "cover" on the 4th.

4. Open your scrapkit and take tulippa "Lacarolita_EasterTulip 3" and resize to 50% do-> Image-> Rotate-> left and Free 15.
Copy paste as new layer and place the left and below the first bottom.
The duplicate and make-> Image-> Flip.Now take the element Lacarolita_Easter Flower 8 "resize to 60% and do-> Image-> Rotate-> left and Free 30.
Copy paste as new layer and place the left and below the first bottom. The duplicate and make-> Image-> Flip.

5. Open your grass that you find in the zip file and copy paste as new layer after layer "frame3"Make-> Layers-> Duplicate 2fois-> Images-> back and put your grass as my result above.

Re duplicate your tulip 4 times and your element Lacarolita_Easter Flower 8 "3 times and up the very top of your layers and place as my tag, see above.

Place your last tube in the center and do not forget your shadow.

Turning to the text.

Write your text with police "Luna Bar" and the color of your choice, size 80.Add-> Selection-> Select-> Selection-> Float-> Selection-> put in a static state-> Layers-> New Layer and fill with white Cliss it below, deselect.
Apply the shadow Back on the first text and apply the filter

Apply Filter "Filters Unlimited 2.0" do-> Effects-> Filters Unlimited 2.0 with the same configurations of the mask, see above.

Resize your tag to 80% if you make a paper! Add the credits-> Layers-> Merge-> Merge layers visible.
Your tag is now finished. Save your tag as JPG.

That's over and I hope this tutorial you will be pleased. See you soon

-::- Tutorial written by Vivi the 24/03/2010 -::-